Training events in preparation 


 2017-2018 academic year  

Third Edition of the II Level Master : "Development and Management of Data Center for scientific computing, high-performance"

Big Data, Machine Learning, Internet of Thing


Unlike the previous two editions, held during the realization of the ReCaS-Bari data center and more focused on the management and operation of the computing center, the third edition of the master will be more oriented towards the production, management and analysis of data. In particular, the methodologies, techniques and tools for analyzing big data such as data analytics and machine learning technique will be discussed.
For laboratory exercises, the ReCaS-Bari data center will be used, in particular its cloud infrastructure  together with the high-level services developed by the European project INDIGO-DataCloud.
The Master will take place from 22/1/2018 to 31/12/2018 at the Inter-university Physics Department "M. Merlin", via Amendola 173, 70126, Bari.
Lessons will be held in Italian and English and will be organized according to a schedule that provides a maximum of 6 hours per day, 4 days a week, for seven months.
Registrations will be closed on January 7, 2018. For the registration to the Master one can make use of the vouchers provided by the "Pass graduates" program of the Puglia Region.
Download the brochure.

Past training events


June 19 - 20 - 21,  2017

Second Training Course on the "Use of INDIGO-DataCloud Software in Scientific Areas"

A training course  on the software developed by the INDIGO-DataCloud project has been held in Bari from June  19th to June 21st.
The course, organized by ReCaS-Bari, enables researchers from various disciplines (physics and other sciences) to use the tools developed by the INDIGO-DataCloud project to find solutions to the use-cases arising in the experiments they are part of.
There will be several examples of successful use of INDIGO  tools already supported, along with technical details on how to implement new cases of use.
Further details can be found at the link:

 April 18, 19, 20 and 21, 2017

Second edition of the Intensive Course in Programming GPU's using CUDA

Also this year it was re-proposed, within the XXXII cycle of the Doctoral School of the Physics Department  "M. Merlin ", a course entitled" Introduction to Parallel Computing and GPU Programming using CUDA held by Dr. Felice Pantaleo (CERN).

May 11, 12 and

13,  2016

Intensive course in programming of graphics boards using CUDA

The course has been given by Dr. Felice Pantaleo (CERN - Universität Hamburg).
The access to the high performance computing, if on the one hand is greatly facilitated by the implementation of appropriate tools and libraries, however, requires, for an optimum use of the resources, knowledge of low level programming interfaces.
The intensive course, through examples and exercises, intends to introduce the user to the programming of graphics board using the CUDA parallel computing platform. This will make the user able to recognize parallelizable algorithms and fully exploit the potential of a heterogeneous computing system.
The course program and material can be found here.

9-11 December 2015

Storage solutions for Openstack Cloud

The course deals with the solutions currently available for storage backend for OpenStack services.

The course coveres the following topics:

  • Introduction to the latest version of CEPH
  • OpenStack configuration for use CEPH backend (running image and block storage)
  • CEPH for Object Storage
  • Automatic installation and configuration of CEPH with Puppet
  • Encrypted volumes of CEPH
  • Configuring Tiered Storage (SSD + SATA disks)
  • QoS on CEPH configured for OpenStack
  • Geographical aspects of deployment of CEPH


 Course program


30-11 to 02 -12- 2015 

HTCondor tutorial. Tools for High Throughput Computing as seen by the system administrator

HTCondor has provided, for over 20 years, tools for distributed computing, with emphasis on the cycle scavenging and on use cases not massively parallel.
The rich semantics of services and elements involved (services, libraries, administrative tools) has made them very useful for various purposes, due also to the possibility to compose them for various applications.
At the same time introduces some complexity that requires to establish some initial definitions.

The course, at an introductory level and with practical exercises, is aimed at system administrators who want to deepen into the semantic and learn how to make configurations HTCondor suited for HEP applications running on the INFN TIER-X centres.

Course Program


27-30 April 2015 

Cloud Computing  School (III edition)

Jointly organized by Dipartimento interateneo di Fisica "M. Merlin" and INFN-Bari in the framework of the PONa3_00052 “ReCaS” project, 

School program

24-27 Novembre 2014

Cloud Computing  School (II edition)

Organized by Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica "M. Merlin"  in the framework of the PONa3_00052 “ReCaS” project, 


School program

24-27 June 2014

Cloud Computing  School (I edition)

Organized by INFN-Bari in the framework of the PONa3_00052 “ReCaS” project, at the Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica "M. Merlin".

The school, in all three editions, is addressed to system administrators, technicians, technologists and researchers working in the University and in public/private research institutions  from any region.

 School program

2013-2014 academic year

II Level Master Second Edition: "Development and Management of Data Center for scientific computing, high-performance"

Given at the Department of Physics "M. Merlin" during 2013-2014 academic year - provided 9 scholarships out of the Project PRISMA (PON04a2_A) funded under the National Operational Programme, Research and Competitiveness, Notice No. 254/18.5.2011 of Ric. 

2012-2013 academic year

II Level Master First Edition: "Development and Management of Data Center for scientific computing, high-performance"

Given at the Department of Physics "M. Merlin"  during 2012-2013 academic year - provided 18 scholarships out of the Project PONa3_PROTECTED "Recas" funded under the National Operational Programme, Research and Competitiveness, Notice No. 254/18.5.2011 of Ric.